Boddy On The Towpath

Beginning in 2021, I am on a 5 year mission to cycle the canals of Britain, or at least those with towpaths. There are I think between 1,500 and 2,000 miles to cycle – by the time I finish I will have an accurate figure.

I don’t believe anyone has done this before, and if they have, they haven’t documented the rides.

This website tells you how to do each ride I have completed. Where to park (usually for free), which trains to take, where the difficult bits are, and often where to find a good pint at the end. Most rides are between 20 and 30 miles long, and join up with adjacent rides to make a complete jigsaw of the network.

The rides are categorised by canal, and tagged by county, and there’s a Google map overlay so you can find rides near you, and that suit you.

Enjoy the rides, and please let me have any comments and corrections.